Tuesday, July 5, 2022

California Governor tries to sell freedom to Floridians

California Governor Gavin Newsom released a political ad on Independence Day because he is worried about freedom....in Florida. (The Newsom Ad below is part of a video that supports Newsom. It was the only one I found that included the entire Ad without anchors talking over it. And it is shown at the very beginning. You only need to watch the Ad. )

In his political ad, Newsom warned that America's freedom is under attack, especially in Florida, where Governor DeSantis is "banning books, making it harder to vote, restricting speech in classrooms, and criminalizing women and doctors." Naturally, Newsom is being deceptive, which is easy to do when you know people are just distressed because they aren't having their way. 

1. For one, DeSantis agrees with parents that sexually explicit material does not belong in the classroom. Frankly, none of it should be in any classroom, but Florida drew the line at 3rd grade. 

In California, the "sexual education" is perversion, abusive, and offensive. It goes beyond biology and promotes confusion, lies, and mental illness. Children are not protected because the material is pervasive through all subjects, and parents have no voice about it.

2. Newsom said Florida is making it harder to vote. But the question should be how does your state protect your vote while ensuring only legally registered citizens vote once? 

Here in Florida, I am training to work the polls on Election Day. If you keep your records current and active, your vote will count. In Florida, you have to provide a photo ID with a signature; you have to verify your current address in the county where you are registered, which you can update on Election Day. Voters need to be registered 29 days before an election. And there are two weeks of early voting prior to Election Day. I am really impressed with how thorough and careful my county here operates to ensure integrity. Meanwhile, in California, you don't have to show photo or signature ID to prove who you are. 

In 2020, Newsom decided early on that every "registered" voter would have a ballot mailed to his residence, even though there already was the option to vote by mail if you requested a ballot. But Newsom made the decision for the voters without considering the ramification of mailing millions of ballots all over the state. As if that doesn't invite voter fraud.

Furthermore, if you forget to request a ballot by mail, or you can't remember to vote early, or you can't go to your polling place on Election Day, you can print off your ballot at home, fill it out, and mail it in. What could go wrong with that? And don't worry if you mail it on Election Day. There is plenty of time to make it count. 

I did not feel confident that the 2020 election was managed well. Videos of people stealing ballots out of mailboxes were exposed prior to Election Day. Video of ballots being stolen from drop boxes was an issue, too. Some people arrived at the polls to find out they had already voted when they knew they had not! There was such a lack of trust, that many Californians believe their votes will never count and voting doesn't matter anymore. I rather live in a state that runs a tight ship. If you can't manage your civic duties, then you shouldn't vote. 

3. Restricting speech in the classroom has to do with the so-called "Don't say gay..." bill, which again goes back to the issue about inappropriate ideas and language being promoted in K-3rd grade classrooms. Newsom obviously supports anything that is politically expedient. If the more aggressive mob demands that they have their way in the classroom without ramifications, then parents will be censored. Newsom isn't entirely for free speech; parents do not have rights when their desires contradict the huge political teachers union. Free speech is for teachers and students with progressive voices voicing progressive ideas.  

In Florida, DeSantis is speaking as a father, and he has heard the parents. The sexual teachers unions  sharing their personal, private lives in the classroom need to focus on reading, writing, and math. 

4. Finally, Newsom complained that Florida is criminalizing women and doctors, which is obviously about abortion. Unfortunately, abortion, which is murder of defenseless babies in the womb, is still legal in Florida; however, after 15 weeks, it is a crime. That will be the law. Anyone who performs the abortion will be penalized. DeSantis said that women will not be penalized, and there are still provisions for rape and incest, which is still murder. 

Newsom is just trying to scare women already worked up over an unfounded fear of losing themselves since they have been told for so long that their identity is dependent on their ability to have unaccountable sexual freedom. Like males. 

And Newsom, again, is being politically convenient because he doesn't care about women or doctors. He doesn't believe in "My body, my choice." He cares about elections, and the abortion industry is his friend.

He didn't have a problem telling Californians (via the health department) to wear masks over their faces when they exited the house, or for every child to wear masks all day long when they returned to the classroom more than a year later. He (via the health department) had no problem working on ways to legally force government agencies and private businesses to threaten their employees with job termination if they did not get vaxxed. 

Newsom does not care about personal freedom or liberty. He was often bent on finding new ways to make our lives a living hell because he was constantly in a tyrannical mood. He jumped at the chance to threaten businesses, schools, and churches to close, then three months later gave permission for certain ones to reopen, but with restrictions. He made some businesses operate outdoors in parking lots, in tents! Restaurants, gyms, and beauty salons had to work outdoors. There was no consistency and only special groups had license to override restrictions; it was pure hypocritical chaos, and it is still going on to this day. Newsom released new regulations and restrictions weekly, always via state health agencies because as governor he cannot tell individuals what to do, though he would very much like. He continued to extend his own emergency powers so he could bypass the legislature. 

He was already thinking of ways to make unvaxxed lives impossible because they would not comply with his demands. He even sought to punish other states by not doing business with them, withholding all state employees from traveling to mean red states like Florida. 

For this man to lecture a state like Florida on protecting freedoms, he truly is a sanctimonious liar. I remember what a horror it was to live under his dictatorial leadership for two years during the scamdemic. He was  made for such a time because he strives to control lives and tell others how to live and function. It was absolutely miserable for young people. I know four families who left California "temporarily" or traveled to other states in order for their children to continue in their sports. Even my own kids ended up losing interest in their activities or their activity was so restricted that they lost opportunities. This went on for almost two years! 

Under rational circumstances, you may have been tempted to think, "Oh, this is going to end shortly and we will return to normal." But in California, it was like a never ending rollacoaster. It got worse and worse. My stomach turned when I saw that CASES increased. CASES!! People who tested positive for covid, not people who went into the hospital and died. Purely positive cases. When the numbers rose, Fuhrer Newsom made an announcement that it was back to masks and restrictions. And he blamed the people for not voluntarily wearing masks more often, as if masks prevented transmission. This...the man who "mistakenly" went to a birthday party at a restaurant with health department lobbyists (exceeding his prescribed limit of human gathering) in which none of them wore masks. The man who said (a week before this party) to wear a mask while eating! 

This same man, who cares so much about freedom, who told Californians to wear masks because it showed others that we care, also told protesters during the summer of 2020, to continue their rage because it was real, while they stormed freeways and blocked traffic, burned businesses down, and beat the crap out of people just trying to protect their small businesses that were already ruined by Newsom's scamdemic policies. By the way, when thousands of violent protesters were sanctioned by Newsom to carry on but funerals were limited to ten people, it was obvious that the virus, lockdowns, and restrictions were based on lies. ALL LIES!!!

Newsom further destroyed California because he wasn't and isn't in the business of rewarding good and punishing evil. Rather, he promotes perverse behavior, protects criminals and encourages crime, punishes law abiding citizens, neglects the states infrastructure, and even has ignored the will of the voters on several occasions. 

Here's the plain truth: 

Look at Canada! Do you see what Trudeau is doing to those people? That is what Newsom is doing to Californians. Trudeau and Newsom are graduates of Klown Schwab's WEF Young Global Leaders. They have no interest in preserving freedom, liberty, or self-government. Their task is to promote themselves, to implement a wicked (anti-freedom) agenda, and to CONTROL subjects. They care not for life, health, or privacy. They seek power alone. OK? There is no room for freedom when all you desire is power. 

I'm surprised Newsom didn't self-righteously condemn Governor DeSantis for still permitting plastic straws and bags for use. Or that he hasn't condemned gas-powered vehicles. Newsom has outlawed the selling of those by 2035, even though there isn't a comparable, affordable alternative in place. And by the way, plastic bags still exist in California, you just have to pay for them. It's a handy state tax. 

Newsom is a liar and a thief. He is going to run for President of the United States one day soon. He may very well be testing the waters now. CONSIDER YOURSELVES WARNED. 

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Some other hits about Newsom:

Newsom Vacays in Montana, an Outlaw State (rules for thee, but not for me)

An excellent op ed by Robert Malone California, here they go

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